Roberto coin presents the new campaign

Roberto Coin takes us into Mediterranean atmosphere of the ancient southern Italy’s masserie to present his new 2020 campaign. Here, time stands still in a peaceful combination of beauty and nature, far from frenzy.


Our senses come alive when we feel the presence of the woman who represents Roberto Coin’s decidedly unique version of femininity. Conjured only by the sound of her footsteps and her voice, this woman turns away from the lens; she doesn’t want to be closed in a simple image, she prefers to open the doors of her essence for us, so that rather than just see her, we can feel her and share the serenity she conveys.


The jewels, cradled by the wind in the shade of the sunset, are part of this extraordinary instant. They mark the beginning of a new kind of elegance, different from the stereotypes and, above all, alive!


Lying with us along these sun-baked walls, are jewels belonging to the collections Art Decò, Pois Moi, Princess Flower, Rock & Diamonds, Roman Barocco and Royal Princess, all of which once again embody the innovation in style and design that has become Roberto Coin’s trademark.


  • Roberto coin presents the new campaign