Pioneering the 3-D printing of Tagua seeds

Alexandra is determined to embrace meaningful, spiritually connected, humane and sustainably conscious artistic practices. By using her voice and talent to authentically collaborate with like mind designers, artists, and brands, Alexandra endeavors to create transformative opportunities for ideas and initiatives that can inspire, empower and bring upon real, positive change.


Currently, she is pioneering the 3-D printing of Tagua seeds with on of world leading 3-D printing companies, Mumbai based Imaginarium. Together they work to overcome the Tagus seed’s only limitation, its size, and hoping to find an ideal solution by the end of 2018.


Alexandra on her goals to help impact the future for the better through mindful, eco-conscious design: "I have decided to use my voice to lead and inspire the fine jewelry industry to take the necessary steps to care for our planet and its people through grace and education.


I am honored to carry Positive Luxury’s Butterfly Mark and to be included among brands that advocate mindful and sustainable practices. It doesn't matter what we choose to do, what matters is that what we choose will make a difference."


  • Pioneering the 3-D printing of Tagua seeds