KP Intersessional meeting to conclude today

The European Union (EU) hosted Kimberley Process (KP) Intersessional meeting in Antwerp, Belgium during  18 & up to 22 June. In 2018, the European Union holds the Chairmanship of the Kimberley Process, a global partnership which brings together governments, industry and civil society with the aim to eliminate the trade in so-called conflict diamonds worldwide.


This Intersessional meeting discussed latest developments in the implementation of the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme and wider diamond governance, as well as the ongoing reform agenda of the Kimberley Process.


The opening sessions of the Intersessional meeting, held on Tuesday 19 June. Ms Hilde Hardeman, KP Chair 2018 began the meeting with her welcome remarks, introduced by Working Group Chairs Presentations. Following the welcome, the day also witnessed a Special Forum.


The forum focussed on “Challenges in artisanal and alluvial mining", was moderated by Mr Maurice Miema, Chair of  Working Group on Artisanal and Alluvial Production (DRC). The Special Forum also under taken the "Innovation and technology: State-of-the art in the rough diamond trade", like session which moderated by Mr Mark Van Bockstael, Chair of Working Group on Diamond Experts (World Diamond Council).


KP Intersessional 2018, is the tripartite structure & that involved, governments, industry and civil society to eliminate the trade in so-called conflict diamonds worldwide.


Issue of Artisanal and small-scale diamond mining, often subsistence mining, constitutes 15% of the total world diamond production. When conducted in an informed and responsible way, artisanal and small-scale production has the potential of lifting miners out of poverty. The subject also tabled in the Intersessional 2018 during 18 June prior to the meeting, where the EU hosted an event to encourage regional cooperation in Central Africa. And it focussed on 19 June at a Special Forum.


Promoting property rights and artisanal diamond development in Côte d’Ivoire. Hence EU’s unswerving support to the regional cooperation between the Mano River Union countries (Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone) that face similar challenges to fully implement the Kimberley Process. The diamond trade in this region is alluvial and artisanal and is particularly prone to smuggling, given many mine sites are located in border areas.


Intersessional meeting focussed to proceed ahead as such, under the Mano River Union Regional Approach project, several workshops to be held to enhance regional collaboration, support stronger KP implementation and also addressed the issue of smuggling.


The issue tabled to brought together national multi-stakeholder groups bringing together governments, civil society and industries to find solutions to local problems arising in diamond mining areas. The four countries also receive targeted assistance, such as training on the mining cadastre system in Sierra Leone.


Artisanal mining yet poses several challenges and tackling these challenges is among the priorities of EU’s Chairmanship. And EU brought those issues with a special attention during the Intersessional meeting in Antwerp. (Exclusively edited by Nayan Jani, Editor-JNI, India)


  • KP Intersessional meeting to conclude today