CIBJO held Green and Blue seminar

Precious objects sourced from the sea could be beacons of sustainability,

'Green and Blue' seminar attendees discover in Vicenza


In a planet threatened by uncontrolled climate change, the jewellery industry could come to be recognized as a beacon of sustainability and positive environmentalism. This was the message emanating from a seminar co-organized by CIBJO and the Italian Exhibition Group (IEG), which took place at the VicenzaOro January show in Vicenza, Italy.


Entitled "Green and Blue Jewellery, Environmentally Sustainable Luxury," the seminar focused on the marine ecosystem, where fully sustainable gem production, relating to the ability of biological systems to remain diverse and productive over the course of time, is feasible. It was the latest event in CIBJO and IEG's joint programme, endorsed by the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), to support Corporate Social Responsibility and sustainability in the international jewellery sector. 


Under the spotlight were organic materials, generally produced through aqua farming, such as cultured pearls. Precious coral was also examined. 


Unlike a mine, which has a finite life span, a pearl farm can continue producing indefinitely, on condition that it is responsibly operated. A healthy oyster has the ability to consecutively produce three high-quality cultured pearls over its productive life span, if it is provided a clean marine environment in which to live, and proper time between grafting and harvesting for the pearls to form.


Such responsible practices are more likely to be applied in places where sustainable social and economic opportunities are also present. For if pearl farming communities share only a minimal proportion of the revenues generated by their labour, they are less likely to invest in maintaining a decent marine environment and will be more inclined to maximize production by reducing the gestation period of the pearl in the oyster. 


The presentations delivered at the seminar will shortly be made available on the CIBJO website.


  • CIBJO held Green and Blue seminar